Thursday, October 21, 2010

Colors of Life coming and finding its way strong ahead of all difficulites .... Wroooooooooom

The Colors of Life project combines the use of technology and art to
encourage children to stay in school while learning useful vocational
skills and improving their communication and interpersonal skills
through the creation of Colors of Life, the bimonthly e-magazine. A
trained psychologist assesses each participant on his physical and
mental abilities at the beginning of the program. Currently, the
children take part in a one-hour session twice a week. At the
beginning of the program, the teaching staff takes on a facilitating
role to lead the teens to write or draw based on a given topic. The
topics are chosen by a psychologist on purpose to encourage the
participants to open their mind by exploring their inner-self and to
get them to be in a more relaxing and comfortable mode. Their artwork
will be featured in the Colors of Life e-magazine, which will be a
motivation for the participants as well as giving them a sense of
pride and increase their self-confidence.

Using Laptop :)

Colors of Life aims to achieve the following results by the end of the
first year:

1. All participants continue to remain in school until they
complete their schooling;
2. Produce six issues of Colors of Life e-magazines and print 500
copies for each issue;
3. Enhance the computer and software skills for each participant;
4. Improve the participants' self-confidence and self-esteem;
5. Develop the participants' interpersonal and communication skills;
6. Increase mutual understanding and respects through direct
interactions with disabled and non-disabled children;
7. Raise public awareness of the benefits of using technology and
creative arts to improve the lives of people with disabilities through
a series of traditional and viral media campaigns.

Please keep following us....... the newsletter is on its way
For Love,

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